Safe Places Uganda | Rehabs Centre in Kampala, Uganda



At Safe Places, education doesn’t end, we value continued learning and consider it the heart of all human growth. This service can be for an individual seeking care, the family of a person seeking care, a group of people seeking knowledge and understanding or a community that may need support. We whole heartedly believe that unlearning and learning about wellness, un-wellness and all topics in between is the key to individual as well as collective growth and overall health. At an individual level this service goes far beyond a helping hand in recognizing your symptoms. 

Exploring your treatment options, assessing your prognosis, and examining the circumstances that led to your diagnosis, from genetic predispositions to environmental factors, we’ll help you become an expert on your condition—with invaluable insight into the inner workings of your diagnosis, exploring the ‘why’,’ what’ and , ‘how’ behind it, this service has been referred to as ;the empowerment of the affected– and for good reason. 

At family level, we champion the importance of helping you – and your loved ones – understand your diagnosis, triggers, and coping mechanisms. It’s the driving force behind your recovery, giving you the ability to pinpoint risk factors, identify potential triggers, and take ownership of your healing journey. We will also educate the community on the different aspects of health including health promotion, prevention of disease as well as care options.

Pyscho-Education is highly regarded as a relapse prevention tool and a key component in growth journeys of all scopes, this evidence-based service puts the spotlight on awareness.
Take depression, for example. We’ll teach you about identifying the triggers, identify often-overlooked symptoms, explore one’s family dynamic, developing a clear picture of how one got here, and importantly, where to go from here.